nake gourd is a climbing vine that produces long, twisted fruits that are often used in Asian cooking:
FruitSnake gourd fruits can grow up to 1.5 meters long and are often described as wriggly like a snake. When immature, the fruit has white and green streaks, and can be eaten as a vegetable. As the fruit matures, it turns bright orange or red and becomes too bitter to eat. However, the red pulp inside the mature fruit can be used as a substitute for tomatoes in cooking.
FlowersSnake gourd flowers are white with intricately laced edges and open at night. They are moth-pollinated and grow in the leaf axils of the same plant.
PlantSnake gourd plants are moderately-sized vines with slender stems and branched tendrils. They are monoecious, meaning they produce both male and female flowers on the same plant.
UsesSnake gourd is a popular ingredient in curries and stews. It can be eaten in a variety of ways, including stewed, fried, steamed, or juiced. The shoots, tendrils, and leaves of the snake gourd plant are also eaten as greens.
NutritionSnake gourd is low in carbohydrates and sugars, making it a good fit for keto diets.
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