Manyokka, also known as manioc, cassava, yuca, or tapioca, is a shrub or small tree with the following characteristics:
- Size: Can grow to be 3–4 meters tall
- Leaves: Spirally arranged, with simple lobes and petioles up to 30 cm long
- Flowers: Small, petal-less flowers on a raceme
- Roots: Cylindrical and tapered, white, brown, or reddish in color
- Bark: Silvery grey to dark brown streaked purple
- Fruits: Capsule with 6 longitudinal angled wings
Manyokka is a perennial plant that is part of the spurge family and is native to tropical climates. It is a major staple food in the developing world, providing a basic diet for over half a billion people.
Manyokka contains cyanide and must be cooked properly before eating. Here are some tips for cooking cassava:
- Ensure the cassava comes from a trustworthy supplier.
- Peel the cassava root.
- Slice or cut it into small pieces.
- Soak them in water.
- Boil them until tender and very well cooked.
- Discard any cooking water.
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