Kankun, also known as water spinach, is a leafy vegetable with the following characteristics:
- Leaves: Medium to large, arrowhead-shaped, and smooth, with a length of 10–20 inches and a diameter of 2–8 centimeters
- Stems: Hollow, crunchy, and can grow up to 2–3 meters long
- Texture: Slippery when cooked
- Flavor: Mild, sweet, and nutty green
- Growing conditions: Can grow in any area with enough water, but is more commonly grown in wet zones
- Propagation: Can be propagated by planting stem cuttings or seeds from flowers that produce seed pods
- Health benefits: Contains vitamin C, iron, magnesium, and calcium
Kankun is a fast-growing, vine-like plant that is a close relative to sweetpotato. It is grown for its growing tips rather than its roots or tubers.
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