The drumstick vegetable, also known as Moringa oleifera, is a nutritious pod from the drumstick tree that is used in cooking and traditional medicine:
NutritionDrumsticks are rich in vitamins A, C, and E, as well as calcium, potassium, and iron. They are also a good source of antioxidants.
UsesDrumsticks are often cut into shorter lengths and stewed in curries and soups. They can also be used to make pulusu, a runny dish made with tamarind, jaggery, coriander leaves, and stalks.
Health benefitsDrumsticks are considered a superfood that may help with a variety of health issues, including boosting immunity, reducing inflammation, and improving bone health.
Other namesDrumsticks are also known by other names, including moringa, horseradish tree, malunggay, shevaga, shajan, murungai, and munagakaya.
TreeThe drumstick tree is native to the Indian subcontinent and is also cultivated in other parts of Asia, Africa, and South America. The tree is fast-growing and drought-resistant, and can flower twice or all year in seasonal climates.
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