Coriander leaves, also known as cilantro leaves, are green and have a variety of shapes:
- Lower leaves: Broadly lobed and resemble Italian parsley
- Upper leaves: Finely divided and fern-like
- Mid-leaf: Occasionally have a chestnut-maroon streak
Coriander plants are small, bushy herbs with thin stems that can grow up to 20 in tall. The leaves are alternate and compound. The whole plant has a pleasant aroma.
Coriander leaves are used to flavor many dishes, including salads, salsas, meats, sauces, and soups. They are best used fresh, but can be frozen in ice cube trays.
Coriander is also known by other names, including Chinese parsley and dhania. The name coriander is thought to come from the Greek word koris, which means bug, because the seeds are said to smell like bed bugs
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