Cooking melon, also known as kekiri, is a fruit vegetable that is commonly used in Sri Lanka and has been part of the diet for over 3,000 years. Here are some characteristics of cooking melon:
TasteThe pulp is sweet, refreshing, and has a pleasant aroma.
Nutritional valueA cup of cooking melon provides over 10% of the daily recommended amount of vitamin K, which is essential for bone health.
Medicinal usesCooking melon has a cooling effect when used topically, which can reduce swelling, irritation, and inflammation.
CookingCooking melon is usually cooked, not eaten raw. One recipe for cooking melon includes frying pieces of the fruit in oil, then adding ginger, garlic, and onion, and cooking until golden brown.
The scientific name for cooking melon is Cucumis melo, but there is no proper species name for the plant.
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