Bitter melon, also known as bitter gourd, is a tropical and subtropical vegetable with a bumpy skin, oblong shape, and bitter taste:
AppearanceBitter melon is a member of the squash family and has a bumpy, warty exterior. It can be light to dark yellowish green in color, and turns yellow-orange when ripe. The two main varieties are the Chinese, which has smooth skin, and the Indian, which has bumpy skin.
TasteBitter melon is very bitter, especially when ripe. To reduce the bitter taste, you can marinate sliced bitter melon in salt and squeeze out the bitter juice.
UsesBitter melon is a common ingredient in Asian and Indian dishes, and is used in many ways, including:
- Stir-fried with pork
- In soups
- Consumed as a tea
- Sautéed with onion and garlic
- Juiced
- Stir-fried with pork
MedicinalBitter melon has been used in folk medicine to treat diabetes, skin disorders, arthritis, rheumatism, and asthma.
GrowingBitter melon vines can grow up to 16 feet long and need a trellis support system. The fruit is ready for harvest 50 to 70 days after seeding, and should be picked frequently, usually every 2 to 3 days.
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